How my kids tested the durability of my stenciled floors.
Back in November I got the crazy idea to paint my ugly linoleum floors. You can read my step by step tutorial on How to Paint Linoleum Floors HERE. One of the biggest reservations I had when deciding to take on this Home Project was “Will this really work”? “Will this be durable for a bathroom floor?” and “Should I paint linoleum floors?”

How my floors were tested.
Well, on Mother’s Day 2020 the universe decided to test out those beautiful stenciled floors and see just how durable they were.
It was dinner time and Rex was cooking burgers out back and I was in the kitchen fixing up a salad for dinner. I could hear my girls playing upstairs in the bathroom with their Barbies. Water was running because the Barbies were at the “pool”. I suddenly noticed a familiar sound. The sound of water hitting the ground. My first thought was the baby had grabbed someone’s cup and was pouring water on the floor. Unfortunately, this is a very common occurrence in our house. When I looked over at Duncan he was just sitting peacefully playing, no cup to be found. I looked beyond him and suddenly noticed that water was flowing out of one of the light fixtures in the living room ceiling.
I immediately went running upstairs screaming “Stop, Stooop, STOP!” When I reached the girls bathroom, I saw an unattended faucet turned on full blast. The sink was plugged. There was water EVERYWHERE! An inch of water all over the floor seeping into the bedrooms, it was a disaster. One of the first thoughts I had was “My painted floors are going to be ruined”.
Were the floors okay?
After drying everything up I was so happy to find that the floors were perfect, completely untouched. No damage was done at all. I’m actually really impressed with the way the painted linoleum has held up, especially with this event. So, if you are curious about the stenciled floors and how durable they are…my opinion is if they can withstand 3 small children and an inch of water, they can withstand ANYTHING!

P.S. Luckily, I got to the situation fast enough and no damage was done to the ceiling. Just another reason I will remember the year 2020. The year the girls flooded their bathroom. haha.
If you’ve been wanting to try painting your own floors, head to my blog post with all the step by step details on how I did it HERE. You can also check out my Instagram page and watch my saved Highlight “Paint Floor” to see the entire process, mistakes and all.
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What brand of polyurethane did you use to seal them?