How to Store Important Items for Kids
I have been sharing some of my favorite organizational tips with you. This idea for Kids Schoolwork Organization and Precious Memories is by far one of the best.
When our first daughter was born, I designated a drawer in one of our dressers to hold all her special items. I’m talking pictures, her little statistics card from the hospital when she was born, special artwork from school, etc. Then we had our second daughter and those things ended up in the drawer too. Quickly the drawer became full of both girls things and everything was thrown in totally disorganized. When I found out I was pregnant with our third child I knew this system wasn’t going to work. I was terrified of something special getting misplaced. I didn’t want to forget which rainbow painting belonged to who, or which baby picture was of what child. (haha just kidding, I’d never forget that)

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A System that Works
I came across this idea of sorting all the kids things in a portable file folder boxes. It has literally changed my life. Each child has their own box with files labeled Baby, Preschool, Pre-K, Kindergarten and so on. Its where I store anything important. Pictures of what we did that year, special artwork they created, notes about what they were like etc. I hang their school picture on the front of each folder for that year. I love flipping through and seeing how much they’ve changed. Its a simple and easy way to hold everything we cherish. You can pick it up by the handle and carry it anywhere with ease. I especially like that feature incase there was a house emergency. I can easily escape with all our precious memories and pictures.
One day when they are older I will pass it along to them. I love imagining them going through everything and remembering all the fun and special things we did as a family.

Love this organization idea? Here is what you need to sort and organize your kids keepsakes

Clear Portable File Box | Mint File Folders | Pink File Folders
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