Every year right before school starts I go through and organize all the left over artwork, schoolwork, and keepsakes that have piled up over Summer. I have found the perfect system for keeping each kids items perfectly sorted and organized. This is THE most popular Mom Hack I’ve ever shared, the Keepsake Box.
When my first kid was born, I designated a drawer in one of our dressers to hold all her special items. I’m talking pictures, holiday cards, mementos, special artwork from school, etc. Then we had our second daughter and her things ended up in the drawer too. Quickly the drawer became full of both girls things and everything was thrown in totally disorganized. When I found out I was pregnant with our third child I knew this system wasn’t going to work. I was terrified of something special getting misplaced. I didn’t want to forget which rainbow painting belonged to who, or which baby picture was of what child. (haha just kidding, I’d never forget that)
When you are done reading this post, make sure to check out my post 7 Creative Ways to Gift Experiences for Kids!
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A Keepsake Box System that Works
I came across this idea of sorting all the kids’ things in a portable file folder boxes. It has literally changed my life. Each child has their own box with files labeled Baby, Preschool, Pre-K, Kindergarten and so on. Its where I store anything important that I want to save. Pictures of what we did that year, special artwork they created, notes about what they were like etc. I hang their school picture on the front of each folder for that year so I can walk down memory lane each time I open the box up. I love flipping through and seeing how much they’ve changed. Its a simple and easy way to hold everything we cherish. You can pick these portable boxes up by the handle and carry it anywhere with ease. I especially like that feature in case we ever move houses or if there was a house emergency. I can easily escape with all our precious memories and pictures.
How to Sort Through It
I get asked often “How do you go through all their school stuff?” I know all those precious drawings and crafts from school can pile up quickly. Especially in the younger years. I like to let things pile up a little bit before I try to put it in their file box. This way I can sort through and really save the things that mean something.
Here is what I look for when deciding what we add to the keepsake box and what gets thrown away.
- Is it something precious?
- Is it something that makes me laugh?
- Is it something they were extra proud of?
- Is it a personal accomplishment they will want to remember?
- Is it a cherished family memory?
- Is it something they will want to have when they are 30 years old?
When my parents moved homes they dropped off huge bins full of childhood memories for me to take. I remember thinking how much of a burden it felt having to hold onto all of it. I looked through the bins and the majority of stuff I had no attachment too. A valentines day craft I made in kindergarten, a note a friend had written me in 4th grade, some scribbled paint on a large piece of craft paper. None of those things had meaning to me anymore. I think about the years they held on to those items. Probably never looking through the bin once they landed in there and the lid closed shut. I really think about this as I go through the kids stuff and store them away in the file box.
Leave Something Behind They Will Cherish
I love this keepsake box system because it give me the perfect opportunity to leave something special behind for them. Every once in a while I will write a love letter to each kid. I will share something I admire about them or something really fun we did together. Slipping it in the folder for that year, I think about them coming across it one day when they are older.
One day I will hand these file boxes over to them. I love imagining them going through everything and remembering all the fun and special things we did as a family.

Love this organization idea? TAG ME on Instagram @projectwhim if you try anything from the blog! I love to see and share! Here is what you need to sort and organize your kids keepsakes

Clear Portable File Box | Hanging File Folders
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