Well it was bound to happen at some point. I had heard about this phenomenon happening by other mom’s, but never experienced it with my first 2 daughters. But then came my baby boy and sure enough, he started climbing out of his crib. It was a mix of being totally shocked and then not surprised at all when he starting climbing over his crib in the mornings. Once he figured it out, it was all over. For a while we let him climb but we didn’t want to let him continue it for too long. For about a month poor guy ended up sleeping on an air mattress while we figured out and waited for his new bed to come. Here is how we made his room into a Big Kids Bedroom with a DIY Painted Accent Ceiling.
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If you love the style of this big boy room, scroll to the bottom for links to all our favorite items!
Here is the BEFORE

When his new bed came I was so excited to set it up and give him a different look for his big boy room. One night I woke up in the middle of the night with the idea to paint his ceiling. I couldn’t go back to sleep, I just kept thinking about all the cool things I could do to that unused space. My favorite part about his painted accent ceiling, .if you don’t like it you can always paint back over it! So on a WHIM, that next morning I went for it and began painting. If you followed along on Instagram you know that this was a totally spontaneous DIY Home Project.
His ceiling project took less than 2 days to do. This is a great weekend project if you want to tackle it.
How I Painted my Son’s Accent Ceiling
For the pattern I started by placing vertical lines of painters tape across the ceiling. I spaced these 12 inches apart.

To make the diagonal lines I started by eyeballing how big I wanted them to be. Then I measured it and did the rest the same. I wanted the colorful sections to be a hair smaller than the white sections. So I measured 8 inches for the yellow sections and 10 inches for the spaces. I alternated down each vertical stripe and marked the ones that I would paint with an “X” with my pencil. This made it easy to remember when I came back to paint.

Then it was time to paint. I LOVE imperfect patterns. It is a way to add a little bit of interest and a touch of that Boho modern flair when you are decorating. Instead of a pattern that is exactly the same, I love making it a bit quirky. Sometimes it is changing a measurement (like the multiple sized spaces on my daughters accent wall). Sometimes it is stripes that are all a little bit different (like how we did our sponge painted accent wall in the Master Bedroom). This time I wanted to throw a little “imperfection” in his ceiling pattern. I randomly picking sections to paint a lighter shade of yellow. That subtle pop made all the difference for this ceiling. Instead of an all over and possibly overwhelming pattern, it changed it up enough to add interest and give that Boho Vibe.
Once the ceiling was done….something still wasn’t quite right. His Boob shaped light fixture kept starring me in the face, I knew that it was time to change it out. So the cherry on top was adding a more modern light fixture for my little man. I also added a small wall sconce above his bed using the magic light trick. Some rearranging of his artwork on the walls and his new big boy room was complete.
Check out the AFTER

The vibe in this room is so much more cozy and fun now. I just love spending time with my little guy in his new room. I have a few more items I ordered that I will add when they arrive. A cool print that will go under the wall scone and a fun yellow clock.
Someone is very proud of his new room!

Love the way this project turned out? Check out my other home projects like my Black and White, Desert Bathroom Makeover, DIY Mud Room Wall, How to Paint and Stencil Linoleum Floors or my DIY Fireplace Remodel Make sure you are following me on Instagram for step by step videos on DIY Projects, Party Ideas and More.
Want to get this look? Here are some of our favorite items!

Kids Day Bed | Pennant Flag Sheet Set | Yellow Comforter Set | Mountain Road Framed Print | Explore Pennant Flag | Map of the United States | House Wall Shelf | Stay Rad Print | Yellow Metal Alarm Clock | White and Blue Stripe Throw Blanket
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