Perfect Recipe for Summer Entertaining
When life accidently hands you 8 lbs. of tomatoes, you make the biggest batch of homemade fresh salsa known to man.
After picking up my groceries the other day I was surprised to find two bags packed to the max with tomatoes that I didn’t order. I don’t know if I accidently put the quantity on my online order to 15 instead of 5 or if the grocery person was feeling generous that day, but never the less I ended up with 8lbs of tomatoes that I paid for. I decided to make a giant bowl of fresh Pico de Gallo and have an afternoon party on the back patio with the family. This is how I make a quick and easy homemade salsa, great for entertaining and hosting a party or for an afternoon snack.

I have made salsa for many years and have found there are some “must-do” tips for getting the best flavor. This is a great recipe to get the kids involved in the kitchen. I’m pretty sure the only reason my kids like to help in the kitchen is because they want snack on the ingredients as we go. Can’t say I blame them.
Mom Tip: Have your kids help make this recipe. While you add in each ingredient to your bowl let your children taste it so they can see how the flavors change with the addition of each new ingredient. My girls had a lot of fun doing that with me and watching the flavors evolve!

Evie had the most fun squeezing the lime juice out of the limes for me.
Here is my recipe and tips for making THE BEST fresh salsa for your next outdoor party.
Homemade Pico De Gallo
- 5 to 6 Tomatoes chopped
- 1/2 Red Onion finely chopped
- 3 large Jalapenos finely chopped
- 1 Cup of Cilantro finely chopped
- 1/3 cup fresh lime juice
- Salt to Taste (I like to put a lot of salt in mine)

Some of my tips for getting the best tasting homemade salsa is:
- Start by coring the tomatoes and then gently squeeze out the juice and the seeds. The juice will make your salsa too watery and the seeds with give it a bitter taste.
- For spicy flavor you can leave the seeds in the jalapeno, but I like to rinse out the seeds since my kids like to eat this salsa.
- Make sure you have more Red and Green then White. The amounts listed above are really just a guideline. I like to eyeball it and make sure I have more tomatoes, jalapenos and cilantro ratio to the onion. But you can tweak it however you like to your own taste.
- Don’t forget the lime juice and the salt. Those two ingredients are what put this homemade salsa over the edge.
I love this salsa, its fresh tasting, simple and the perfect party appetizer or afternoon snack on the back patio in these warm summer months. I was shocked when the girls loved it so much too. Tessa requested a bowl of just salsa and she ate it with a spoon. Haha.

Love this recipe for quick and easy homemade salsa and want to see more? Check out my post on How to Make Italian Easter Bread.
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