This post is sponsored by Ace Hardware.
When we first moved into our home, the lawn was never really something I had considered. We moved at the beginning of Winter time, so we were indoors as everything was covered in snow. Then as our first Spring began to bloom we quickly realized that the previous owners didn’t take very good care of the yard. There were weird streaks throughout the back yard that were dead and the landscaping was all over grown. It didn’t help that we live next door to not just 1 but 2 neighbors that are retired and could spend every other day carefully tending to their lawns. Then I found this easy lawn care system.
Our neighbors have some of the most beautiful landscaped homes and they definitely put in the work to get it that way. We would joke all the time about how many times a week they were out mowing, fertilizing, basically combing their grass with a fine tooth comb and tweezers. Our yard stuck out like a sore thumb…a sore, NON green thumb.

Being a young couple and having 3 kids over the years we wanted a beautiful back yard for them to play in, but a way to maintain it that worked for our busy lifestyle. As much as I love yardwork, you were not going to see me out with my magnifying glass and trimmers.
We were so lucky to have found Scotts 4 Step Lawn Care System. Its a fool proof way to get a beautiful, “neighbor envy” style lawn. I’m so excited to have partnered with Ace Hardware to share my secret! Even a non-green thumb like me can have everyone on the street whispering “Wow, how did they get their lawn looking so good”.
Here is How the Scott’s 4 Step Lawn Care System Works

The Annual System has 4 bags that are labeled with what time of year to use them. No guessing and no going out and buying all different kinds of products. Its fool proof, quick and super easy. Just pour the bag into the Spreader and push around the lawn. You can get our entire lawn done in under 10 minutes. Over the course of this year I will be taking you along the journey with the Scotts 4 Step Lawn Care System. Showing you all 4 stages of how our yard progresses with each step.
STEP 1 Early Spring:
Use Scotts® Step® 1 Crabgrass Preventer Plus Lawn Food for a fast green-up after winter; it also controls crabgrass for up to 4 months.

The yard might not look great….yet. But the first step is an important one to get started on the right foot. In Colorado we tend to still get snow and ice up until May. Get prepared and fertilize in March to ensure the grass will green quickly as the weather warms.
STEP 2 Late Spring:

Scotts® Step® 2 Weed Control Plus Lawn Food2 builds thick, green turf from the roots up, and it kills dandelion and clover.
STEP 3 Any Season

Scotts® Step® 3 Lawn Food with 2% Iron can be applied for a great green-up, and it strengthens the lawn against heat and drought.
STEP 4 Fall

Using Scotts® Step® 4 Fall Lawn Food is a great way to strengthen your lawn before the winds of winter cut across it, and it helps your lawn build stronger roots for the winter.
Want to get your neighbors “oooing” and “ahhhing” over your yard? You can pick up Scotts 4 Step Lawn Care System at your local Ace Hardware. Don’t have time to run in the store and pick up? Ace Hardware’s friendly, helpful service extends to Home Delivery or Curbside Pickup to get everything you need and this easy lawn care system. Perfect for this busy Mom of 3.

CLICK HERE to Find the Ace Hardware Nearest to You.
What you need
Scotts 4 Step Lawn Care System | Scotts Push Spreader

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