The school year is fast approaching and since our big hallway makeover, we haven’t had our usual spot for the kids school stuff set up. Last year it was so nice to have a designated spot in the house where the girls could hang their backpacks and jackets after school. That space gave me sanity and gave the kids a sense of independence, so not having an organized spot was just NOT going to work for us. Here is how I turned our blank wall into a DIY Mud Room.

If you have been following along for a while you know what this wall use to look like. Here is a look at the before…

The stages of our hallway.
This hallway update began when we ripped up the linoleum flooring and tiled the hallway floors ourselves. You can check out my blog post on How to Tile Floors Like a Pro. This made a huge difference for our tiny hallway, but more needed to be done to really make it a WOW.
The next phase of our hallway update was our DIY Board and Batten Walls. This was a surprisingly easy, weekend home project that made a huge impact in our small hallway. To read the tutorial head to my blog post on DIY Board and Batten.

A few finishing touches to our hallway renovation.
The hallway looked nice and updated now, but I was needing that extra storage space for the kids school stuff. We decided to rehang their decorative hooks. I’m so glad I was still able to order the same hooks from Target because I needed 1 more hook so each section had its own. I love the farmhouse style and durability of these cast iron hooks.
The top needed a little WHIM, so I added this adorable “Welcome Home” sign. It’s a nice reminder as we walk in from the garage.

In the picture I have this super cute burlap market bag. Market bags are all the rage but they can be expensive. I scored this one off of Amazon and love how it looks hanging in our new DIY Mud Room. It is really big and great quality. Perfect tote for grabbing as we walk out the door to get groceries or to fill will all our necessities for a trip to the pool.

Here are some of my favorite products so you can get the same Modern Farmhouse look.

Burlap Market Tote | Cast Iron Hook | Welcome Home Sign |
Love this simple DIY Mud Room Home Project? Check out my blog post on Laundry Closet Makeover for Under $200 DIY Outdoor Patio Bar and How to Paint Linoleum Floors.
Make sure you are following me on Instagram for step by step videos and to watch the process of all my DIY Home Projects.
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