Tips for Traveling with Kids on a Road Trip When we decided to go on our first big family road trip the first thought that came into my mind was “How will we survive this with 3 little kids?” With three kids under six years old, I knew that it would take some organization and…
Category: Organization Ideas

My Favorite Hack for Organizing Your Family Game Cabinet and a List of Our Favorite Games
We love family game time. Maybe it’s the quality time we get to spend as a family, or maybe it’s that we are extremely competitive? Either way, we have accumulated a wonderful collection of games and over the years. With three little ones in the house, games often get pulled out, played with and then…

Seed Storage Hack | How to Organize and Store your Heirloom Seeds
I love a good organizational hack! If you’ve been following for a while, you know that we have a prepper closet for emergency situations. In that closet is a stash of organic, heirloom seeds. We use these seeds every year when it is time to plant our garden. For the past couple of years, the…

5 Ways to Refresh a Space without Spending Money
After the Holidays I always feel lost. I look around my bare and empty home and wonder, “What did my house used to look like?” It’s hard to remember how each room used to be decorated and that week between Christmas and New Years feel like a disheveled, disorganized mess. That is probably why most…

Keepsake Box | An Easy System for Organizing your Kids Memories
Every year right before school starts I go through and organize all the left over artwork, schoolwork, and keepsakes that have piled up over Summer. I have found the perfect system for keeping each kids items perfectly sorted and organized. This is THE most popular Mom Hack I’ve ever shared, the Keepsake Box. When my…

The Ultimate Emergency Survival List for Beginner Preppers
It is never a bad idea to get prepared. Whether you want some supplies incase the power goes out from a bad storm or to keep your family safe from a “zombie apocalypse”, having an emergency stash can be really helpful. At the end of 2020 and watching the toilet paper and grocery store wipe…

Teaching Kids Responsibility| FREE Printable Chore Chart and List of Chores for all ages
Teaching kids responsibility. I’ve reached that part in my parenting journey to teach my kids about the importance of earning money and helping out. Here is how I made a Chore Chart for the kids. When I took my social media break and focused on ways to improve my life and our family, this was…

The Best Way to Organize and Store Barbie Dolls
The blog post all you girl moms have been waiting for. YEARS I have longed and searched for a way to organize and store Barbie Dolls for the girls. All the dolls, outfits, shoes, little tiny accessories, vehicles, etc. I feel like we tried everything when it came to finding a solution that worked. It…

Homeschool Corner for Kids
How to set up a Homework Area when you have limited space This school year is starting off a lot different than I thought it would. Our school is doing a Hybrid learning where part of the week the girls will be in school and the other part they will be home. I shared at…

DIY Mud Room Entry Wall
The school year is fast approaching and since our big hallway makeover, we haven’t had our usual spot for the kids school stuff set up. Last year it was so nice to have a designated spot in the house where the girls could hang their backpacks and jackets after school. That space gave me sanity…