The school year is fast approaching and since our big hallway makeover, we haven’t had our usual spot for the kids school stuff set up. Last year it was so nice to have a designated spot in the house where the girls could hang their backpacks and jackets after school. That space gave me sanity…
Category: DIY Home Projects

How to Build a Modern Herb Garden Planter
A few weeks ago I shared how to make DIY Outdoor Bar Shelves. I had a little bit of leftover wood that I didn’t want to throw away. Something fun could have been made with those pieces. I decided to build a modern Herb Garden Planter with what was left and it turned out even…

Kids Playhouse Makeover
My kids love their little outdoor playhouse. We’ve had it for 3 years now and the poor thing has been through a lot. I remember one night it was so windy that it actually tumbled across our backyard and lost the front door. The last 3 years it has been so loved by all my…

DIY Modern Board and Batten
This small little hallway has been transformed multiple times, but I’m so happy to share that it is finally finished! It all began 4 months ago when I came up with the idea to paint the hallway walls to give it some personality. I painted the walls half black and then realized that I wanted…

Should You Paint Linoleum Floors
How my kids tested the durability of my stenciled floors. Back in November I got the crazy idea to paint my ugly linoleum floors. You can read my step by step tutorial on How to Paint Linoleum Floors HERE. One of the biggest reservations I had when deciding to take on this Home Project was…

How to Refinish an Old Table
Sharing how I updated an old piece of patio furniture. Do you have a piece of furniture that you love but is worn down? I did! I had a large, round coffee table I used outside on my back patio. It is the coolest shape with great details on the legs, not something you can…

How to Add an Outdoor Bar to your Back Patio
DIY Home Project for the Ultimate Host The weather is getting so nice here in Colorado which means we immediately started refreshing our back patio for the endless Summer fun ahead. I cleaned the entire patio off, planted flowers in the pots, rearranged the furniture and stepped back to notice a giant section of our…

How to Tile a Floor
It’s amazing how a floor impacts the way a space feels and looks. No matter how small the space is. If you’ve been following along with me you know we had two areas in our house with nasty linoleum flooring. We lived with it for 6 years, and finally got up the nerve to paint…

DIY Fireplace Remodel
One of the biggest transformations we have made in our house has been the fireplace remodel we did ourselves. I get so many questions and compliments on it. It use to be completely outdated, one of those fireplaces with the giant hole in the center for the big tube TV. It had two large shelf…

DIY Bathroom Remodel
This bathroom has been patiently waiting to be finished ever since I painted the linoleum floors in November. For the step by step of How to Paint Linoleum Floors click HERE . It never looked complete. The builder grade mirror and light fixture had hung its last day! It was time to make some small…