Having fun with Arts and Crafts
It’s time to get creative…and a necessity if you are in quarantine with little kids. We’ve had to find very creative ways to keep busy and have fun each day at home. These cardboard activities for kids has been some of the funnest projects we’ve done. The best part, it’s free material!

Toilet Paper Roll Telescopes
Remember all that toilet paper you stocked up on? Save those toilet paper rolls! We spent one day crafting with toilet paper rolls, turning them into telescopes. After the girls finished decorating them with felt, pipe cleaners and paper hearts we took them outside and went on a treasure hunt. The girls had a blast looking through their telescopes and finding fun things in nature.

Carboard Forts
Next up, turn those amazon boxes into something amazing! Don’t have any leftover amazon boxes? Do what I did and ask a store employee for an empty box from the back of the store. The amazing Lowe’s employees were eager to help a mom out when I asked for a used box so I could make a fort for my kids. They found the largest box they could find, helped break it down and also loaded it into my car for me. We took the giant box home and made the most epic sailboat out of it. The kids had so much fun painting it and cutting out felt fish and waves. We made a giant sail out of some leftover fabric and windows out of paper plates and large zip lock bags. It turned out so cute!

We filled the boat with pillows and blankets and it has been a fun place to eat snacks and watch movies.
Cardboard Play
Lastly, you can create something that will provide endless amounts of imaginative play. We took a bunch of cardboard boxes and made the cutest carboard puppet theater. For the full tutorial on how we made this AND to download the FREE printable puppets I designed click HERE.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to using cardboard to craft. If you loved my ideas for Cardboard Activities for Kids, check out these other posts I know you will love fun at-home activities for Kids | Adorable Back to School Breakfast Party | 10 Must Try Hacks for a Family Road Trip | Cousin Camp – Overnight Camp at Grandma’s House
Follow me on Pinterest HERE to find more ideas of what you could create out of cardboard boxes. To get inspired with more fun ideas follow on Instagram too.