Every once in a while I love to surprise the girls on a Friday when they get home from school. It’s a fun way to kick off the weekend fun! Today I decided to create a fun Easter / Spring Snack Board for kids to enjoy with some items I had sitting in the pantry. Here is how I made an after school snack board for kids.

Here is how I put an after school snack board together:
- Egg Shaped Rice Crispy Treat
- Bunny shaped marshmallows
- Mini Cheese Balls
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- “Carrot Stick” Chocolate Covered Pretzels
- Kiwi
This would be a cute way to display a snack at Easter Brunch for the kids.

Love this Spring Snack Board for Kids? Make sure to check out these fun food posts Rainbow Breakfast Board | Ladybug Appetizers | Strawberry Froze Cocktail | 4th of July Charcuterie Board | Rainbow Rice Crispy Treats | Back to School Breakfast Party
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