I have so much fun adding little bits of Christmas WHIM to each room every year. My mom would decorate every room in the house for the holidays each year and I love doing the same thing for my kids. There is something about those twinkling lights in each room that I get so much joy turning on in the evenings. Here is how we added Nursery Christmas Decor to our boy’s Bedroom this year.
Looking for fun Winter/Christmas jammies for kids? Check out our Holiday Pajama Round Up!
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Since I decorated the girls room, check out their room HERE. It seemed only fair to do Duncan’s nursery as well. This took about 30 minutes total to add in some winter decor. Here are my tips.

Tip 1: Replace Greenery
When adding Nursery Christmas Decor, change out faux plants and potted greenery scattered around. An easy swap to a Bottle Brush Tree or some Winter Greenery can be done in just seconds. This totally changes the vibe to a winter wonderland.

Tip 2: Add Christmas Books
We love to read with our kids and for each season we like to switch out some of their books for the appropriate time of year. I put some Winter and Christmas books for him Nursery Christmas Decor on display and the kids love grabbing them and reading them as we gear up for Christmas. Click HERE for a list of our favorite Holiday/Winter Books for Kids!
Tip 3: Twinkle Lights
There are so many options for adding some twinkle lights to a room. It can be in the form of a cute strand of lights you drape on the wall or a little Christmas Tree. There is something magical and sweet when the house starts to get dark and you turn on those little lights. I set up a Christmas Tree with just a handful of ornaments. We chose the theme of little trucks with the Christmas Trees in the back since he is a little boy and obsessed with cars. The nice thing about a little tree is you only need about 8 or so ornaments to fill it up.

Tip 4: Add a Garland
You know me, I am all about a good garland. I decided to make a garland using wooden snowflake ornaments and felt pom poms. I measured out my space of where I wanted to put it and strung them together. Once the garland is complete, I hung using command wall hooks. It really finished off the room and gave it that Whimsical, Christmas Feel. To read my DIY tutorial on how to make a Whimsical Garland click HERE.

The room didn’t take very long to decorate and it was simple enough that it won’t be a pain to take down after the holidays. Just a few little touches to make his room feel special. I love how it turned out. I’d love to hear what you think in the comments below!
Love this Nursery Christmas Decor?! Here is a roundup of all my favorite items from his room, so you can get this look too!
Galvenized House (Small) | Galvenized House (Medium) | Bottle Brush Trees (set of 2) | Small Flocked Christmas Tree | Vintage Truck Ornament | White Truck Ornament |Vintage Blue Truck Model | Letter Board
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