After the Holidays I always feel lost. I look around my bare and empty home and wonder, “What did my house used to look like?” It’s hard to remember how each room used to be decorated and that week between Christmas and New Years feel like a disheveled, disorganized mess. That is probably why most of us spend January in clean/organization mode. Trying to bring order back to our homes. I always get the urge to refresh a space.
To give your space a Refresh, you don’t need to spend any money. Here are my 5 favorite ways to refresh a room without spending a penny and giving you order and serenity back to your space.

Here are my favorite ways to Refresh a Space.
- Declutter: The first thing we need to do is take care of all the clutter. All those Holiday gifts laying around need a “new home”. My home ends up with piles of stuff in every room and not to mention all the leftover Holiday items so the first thing I do is put away all the Christmas stuff. Then as I put away all our new clothes and gifts, I will simultaneously get rid of the old things. That week between Christmas and New Years I have a large trash bag attached to my hip. If I got a new set of cozy pajamas, I would place my old pair in the bag. Then I make a large donation to a local donation center. We do the same thing with toys, beauty products, etc.
- Move Furniture Around: Now that the Christmas Trees are gone, it always feels like there is a big empty space in each room. I love to take this opportunity to change the space and move furniture around. It doesn’t have to be a full room revival. Moving a bookshelf over a few feet or changing which corner a basket full of blankets go can make all the difference.
- Paint: Looking for an easy way to refresh a room? The power of paint! If you have a stash of paint cans in your garage, you can take one and give a wall a new accent color. It will completely transform your room and give it a new look!
- Change out your pictures: One way I love to freshen up the walls is to move artwork around the house. I will take a framed picture from one room and move it to another. Or that giant mirror in your living room might look amazing in your bedroom. Move around your wall decor and watch how it gives each room a totally different feel! You can also print off family pictures or clipart images to replace in your frames!
- Organize: Look for fun new ways to organize. Have a basket you’ve been using for throw blankets? Try it in a kid’s bedroom for all their stuffed animals. Fold the blankets and store them in a credenza or on a blanket ladder for something new. I love this idea for toys. This year I took an old basket and stored all of Duncan’s new train track pieces in it. It was much cuter than the plastic bin they came in and gave the space a fun new look.

Love these 5 Ways to Refresh a Room without Spending Money? Make sure to check out these other great posts and follow along on Instagram.
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